BBB app - My city, my app


All city information and transactions on my phone.
The Municipality of Vari-Voula-Vouliagmeni, based on the 3 factors of sustainability, namely PEOPLE, ENVIRONMENT and ECONOMY, implements initiatives for a clean, green and safer urban environment.

Adopts applications that support citizen-centered services based on international standards, such as the Municipal Application (mobile app) whose design philosophy follows the PACMAD (People At the Centre of Mobile Application Development) usability model.

The aim of this Municipal Application is to gradually integrate all available electronic services and applications of the Municipality, offering a unified service experience to the citizens and businesses of our city.

All city information and transactions will be integrated into any smart phone. Citizens will have instant information and will be able to fully interact with our municipal services.

Our goal is to build a constructive bridge of communication between the users of the application and the Municipality.

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