Waste Management - 7 Streams


7 Streams
   Paper Stream
   Glass Stream
   PMD Stream (Plastic, Steel water bottles,   
   Plastic bottle PET
   Green – Pruning and gardening stream    
   Organic – food waste stream

Collection takes place Door to Door on scheduled days and times. Households are provided by the Municipality with free stickers with QR codes in three colors (blue, yellow, red) and they activate the 12-digit unique code of the stickers, by registering on a specific website.

Each household has its own QR code and the Municipality during the collection of plastic bags, digitally “scans” the “smart” stickers to count the collected points and credit the quantity to each household. For each bag that is registered digitally, the Municipality creates a ‘’digital wallet” for each participant.

With the new institutional framework that has been voted by the parliament, our Municipality will be the first Municipality in the country, that will be able to reward participants by lowering municipal fees and / or by providing offers on additional products and services.

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